Our free programs are designed to help you reach your educational and professional goals. We offer the following academic program options; please click on the links below or on the right for more information about each program.
Placement Process
Any person 18 years of age or older may enroll. Persons under the age of 18 may be eligible in certain circumstances; permission to enroll may be obtained following an interview with the Principal.
All students wanting to work toward their High School Diploma, GED, HiSET or ABE/Skills Review will first attend orientation. Orientation provides an overview of the opportunities provided by the school. Students also complete an evaluation pre-test in English and math. Following orientation, each student will arrange to meet with an advisor to discuss goals and placement in a class.
In order to determine which program is best for you, attend one of our Orientation and assessment sessions – no appointment is necessary. Come to Room 1 any Thursday morning at 9 am or Thursday evening at 5:30 pm. Allow 2 hours. After taking the reading and math tests, you will receive an appointment to meet with an advisor to register for the program.
This supportive class helps you prepare for the rigors of the high school curriculum by providing individualized instruction in reading, writing, math, and other basic skills. Limited high school credit is available. Upon successful completion of this class, you may enroll in the High School Diploma or Independent Study Program.
Maria Lumb, Registrar
925.335.5890 Ext. 3994